Mary Buchinger is the author of seven collections of poetry; her most recent books are Navigating the Reach (Salmon Poetry, 2023) and Virology (Lily Poetry Review Books, 2022); The Book of Shores is forthcoming. Her work has appeared in AGNI, Maine Review, Plume, Salamander, Salt Hill, Seneca Review, and elsewhere. She teaches at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and serves on the board of the New England Poetry Club. Website: www.MaryBuchinger.com.
At Mt. Auburn Cemetery

Mary Buchinger
Sundays I walk across acres of the dead.
Grey tombs arch like eyelids.
Stone angels loom from pedestals,
wings weathering to sharpened nibs.
Blue jays quiz the air, insistent,
forage acorns, cache their goods.
A hawk’s shriek ricochets overhead
and sometimes I feel hunted.
— Mary Buchinger
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