The Tufts Administration Building (TAB). — Photo by Bobbie Toner
By Jim Clark
A special meeting of the Somerville City Council was held virtually on Thursday, August 31. The primary focus of the meeting involved responding to a request by Mayor Katjana Ballantyne that the Council approve a 1.5-year lease for the Tufts Administration Building (TAB), from September 1, 2023 through February 28, 2025.
Chief of Staff to Mayor Ballantyne, Nikki Spencer, addressed the Council, thanking it for its assistance in relocating the students and staff affected by the situation at the Winter Hill Innovation School and said that most of School Department staff has already moved into the Tufts Administration Building (TAB).
Councilor At-Large Willie Burnley, Jr. inquired about taxes on the building and asked if the city would pay them. Budget Director Mike Mastrobuoni explained that there are no taxes on the building as Tufts is tax exempt. He went on to say the this would not affect any PILOT agreements the city has with Tufts.
Burnley asked why it was included in the lease agreement and City Solicitor Cindy Amara said the lease was started from a template and the focus was on important details of the agreement. She stated that it does not have a substantive effect on the city.
Burnley asked Amara about Tufts PILOT agreements and she said that the language was included to clarify that Tufts would not use this towards any PILOT.
Councilor At-Large Jake Wilson asked why the lease is for 1.5 years and Chief of Staff Spencer said the city requested that time frame to be able to consider any future use of the facility by the city.
Councilor At-Large Kristen Strezo asked for information regarding parking and Spencer said that the details are still being worked out.
There are 79 paid spaces available as well as an additional 25 spaces for the Council on Aging and SCALE. These spaces are reserved for the city and School Department under the terms of the lease. Some employees will be allowed to park on neighborhood streets and city employees and School Department personnel will have free access to blue bikes.
Ward 7 Councilor Judy Pineda Neufeld mentioned the bus shelter that was removed, saying she spoke to the Mobility Department about having it replaced and she asked that the administration work to bring this to fruition.
Director Mastrobuoni explained that the lease is expected to be funded from the general fund through tax revenue, since there is more new growth than previously anticipated.
Ward 5 Councilor Beatriz Gomez Mouakad suggested that a better picture of the city’s finances should be made available when financial requests, such as this, are made.
Councilor Strezo asked about the ‘right of first offer’ in the lease and Chief of Staff Spencer noted that this was not included in the license, but it is in the lease. City Solicitor Amara explained that it is there for the benefit of the city.
Councilor Wilson asked if the city would be responsible for utility costs, i.e., water and sewer during its tenancy and Chief of Staff Spencer stated that Tufts included those costs as part of the rent.
Director Mastrobuoni then spoke about comparable rents, saying there is not a lot of available buildings this big and in terms of pricing, the only other similar experience was a few years back when moving ISD was being considered, and at that time the rent estimates were close to $1 million per year.
Ward 4 Councilor Jesse Clingan asked if the Department of Public Works will still be doing maintenance under this lease, and Chief of Staff Spencer explained that it is the city’s responsibility to provide custodial and basic maintenance services for the building and these services will be contracted for with a vendor.
Councilor Pineda Neufeld asked about the plan for election days, since the building is a polling location. Chief of Staff Spencer said that she will get an answer to that question and report back. In closing, she commented that the Tufts team was extremely accommodating to the city’s needs.
A vote was then taken and the mayor’s request was approved.
Next, an additional request by the mayor was introduced, asking for a supplemental appropriation of $1,053,387 to the Capital – Building Lease Account to pay for a Lease Agreement regarding use of space at the TAB building.
This request was also voted on and approved.
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