Rusty Barnes lives in Revere, MA, with his family and a herd of cats. His work appears widely He is the author of the poetry chapbook Dear So and So and the co-editor of Live Nude Poems.
Hey Hey Mama
Rusty Barnes
is the vocal intro to the trippingest
rock and roll signature riff I know,
how the blues rock pentatonics
roll off the guitar like wet thunder,
and Robert Plant’s keening call
makes me wanna slap my mama
myself. If you know what I mean
and I think you do. I can only
imagine 1970 in driblets from
other people’s memories
and Lord I know if my woman
presented herself to me in those
terms I’d know she’s teasing me
but I would answer that call
with one of my own and try to
tease her back by slinging
a Les Paul down past my crotch
and letting loose with my repertoire
of licks which alas are not like
Jimmy Page’s but heartfelt just
the same and in heaven or hell
whoever’s in charge will wink.
Allow me to do what I want:
shake em on down. Please.
Shake for me girl.
— Rusty Barnes
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