Information session on new Somerville specialized energy codes

On June 23, 2023, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The specialized energy code is scheduled to go into effect on July 1.

By Ana Celerier Salcedo

The Office of Sustainability, Environmental, and Inspectional Services Department of Somerville held an informational meeting for the public regarding the new energy codes. The specialized energy code was recently adopted by the city with the goal of putting in motion a building energy code that would impact energy efficiency and onsite renewable energy requirements for residential and commercial building projects, including new construction, alterations, and renovations.

The purpose of the meeting was for members of the public to learn how the updated code may impact their residential property before it goes into effect on July 1, 2023. Emily Sullivan, the city of Somerville climate change program manager for The Office of Sustainability, Environmental, and inspectional services, attended the meeting. Sullivan was joined by her colleagues Elise Belarge, sustainability planner, and Nick Antanavica, director of inspectional services.

Participants were provided with some key vocabulary to better understand some subjects touched upon during the discussion. The first is HERS, also known as Home Energy Rating System, which goes from 0-100. The closer to 0 the rating is, the more energy efficient the property is.

A mixed-fuel home was defined as any building with any kind of combustion equipment designed for fossil fuel use. Whereas a Net-Zero building was defined as a building that consistently achieves zero emissions through all electrical appliances or a building that is absent of the use of energy derived from fossil fuels.

According to Sullivan and her team’s presentation, some exemptions from the specialized energy code are historic buildings and residential additions of less than 1,000 square feet. Some of the buildings that would be impacted by the new energy code were described as mainly multifamily homes and new 1-2-unit homes

Sullivan described one of the benefits of the code as being that it would support the citywide goal towards net zero emissions and all-electric buildings by 2050 in Somerville. The meeting allowed some time for frequently asked questions as well as inquiries from the public such as when a HERS rating would be required for an addition to a building. The presenter’s response is that a HERS rating is required in situations when the total added conditioned floor area is greater than 1,000 square feet or exceeds 100% of the existing dwelling unit. Conditioned floor area was defined by Antanavica as any area where a heated and/ or air-conditioned space was present.

Furthermore, if multiple additions are made to the same dwelling unit, and each is under 1,000 square feet but adds up to over 1,000 square feet, a HERS rating was deemed required. Solar readiness was also required for additions larger than 1,000 square feet. Sullivan provided an informational link here,, for residents to learn more about a solar energy route and potential incentives or funding opportunities.

At the time for questions from members of the public in attendance, a long-time resident of Somerville, Ron Cavallo, commented that the city’s anti-gentrification efforts and efforts to minimize development as a whole have been “the nail in the coffin to small developers.” Cavallo stated that he feels as though he sees the vibrancy of the city waning every day and fears that this new building code in place will make it harder and undesirable for developers to proceed with building new projects in the area.

In regards to further informational resources provided for the public, a list was provided below:

Summary of 2023 Stretch Energy Code Update and Municipal Opt-in Specialized Code:

Save Electrification Incentives Webinar Recording:

DOER Final Code language:

For further questions or resources, individuals are directed to email the following individuals, and


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