Green Soul’s graphical simulation of the Holland St. site – Photo courtesy of Green Soul
By Beatriz Leite
On Tuesday, June 6, the residents of Holland Street and its surroundings joined Ward 6 Councilor Lance Davis, the Green Soul Organics team, and the City of Somerville for a Neighborhood Meeting on Zoom to discuss the impacts of the opening of an Adult Use Cannabis Retail Store at 23 Holland Street, in Davis Square at the former site of Johnny D’s Uptown.
Green Soul has been approved as an economic empowerment priority applicant by the state Cannabis Control Commission and signed its host community agreement with the city in 2020. The goal of this public presentation was to establish a relationship between Green Soul’s representatives and the community, to ensure there is clear communication about the expectations and impacts of the project. The representatives received feedback and answered questions about the conceptual design of the site, and the impacts on the safety, tranquility, and well-being of the neighbors.
Most community members present in the meeting did not seem pleased with the idea of a new recreational-use cannabis store opening in the area. They shared their concerns about the fear of people smoking outside and creating unwanted crowds, also the fear of minors being able to access Green Soul’s products.
One of the residents wrote in the chat, “How many dispensaries do we need in Davis Square? We already have several. We need family and public-oriented business, enough with drugs, people with children already live there.” Expressing their disagreement with the business opening at that location.
Rebecca Adams, the project consultant, attempted to calm the community’s concerns by highlighting that the Cannabis Control Commission has one of the strictest compliances in the United States. Federal Identification will be checked before entrance, in a secure waiting entrance, so there would not be a crowd outside the facility.
“It is illegal to consume any cannabis product outside, so there will be no consumption allowed on site or around the premises,” Adams says.
Some neighbors expressed concerns about the delivery of product that is supposed to happen in the back door, that is shared with the building’s residents. Adams assured that there will not be any large delivery vehicles that could disturb the traffic or functioning of the building. All deliveries will be scheduled and constantly filmed, something that alarmed some residents who do not desire to be filmed constantly.
Green Soul hopes to start functioning soon. The city will be made aware of the opening day plan, and the Somerville police will be assisting with the opening to handle it safely.
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