Lyrical Somerville – February 9

On February 9, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Would you think dumpsters would be a good subject for a poem?  You might think the poem is pure garbage. Well, poet Zvi Sesling has another take on it. His poem “Dumped” was included in his new collection from the Cervena Barva Press of Somerville, “Across Stones of Bad Dreams.”



There’s a dumpster out there

in a Nebraska cornfield in the

middle of nowhere

The dumpster is green with

six yellow letters painted on

its side: D-U-M-P-E-D

In this dumpster are all the

dumped people: lovers, wives,

husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends

old friends, acquaintances

parents, children

They are all piled in, egos shrunken

to a pinhead, feelings crushed like

grapes, emotion burned out like

a desert, desire as empty as an

open can of corn

They are all as gray as a clouded

sky waiting for sunshine, waiting for

a chance to be rescued, dumped again

– Zvi Sesling


To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143.


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