Olivia Marujo, SHS Class of 2023 Recipient of the “Class of 1960 Scholarship” with Diane Suffredini, representing the Class of 1960.
Last week Somerville High held its Awards Night for the Class of 2023 where scholarships are awarded to the deserving students who have worked for, and won, these accolades.
The Class of 1960 has been a part of the Scholarship Foundation having donated through the years and awarding a scholarship in the amount of $1960.00. They awarded one in 2016, three in 2020, (their 60th anniversary year,) and again, one each in 2021 and 2022. This year the recipient is Olivia Marujo.
Olivia is an honors student, graduating with a 4.15 GPA and a member of the National Honors Society. She has also participated in track and field, is involved in the school fashion club, and works after school as a receptionist. Last year she received the Spark Summer Scholarship which allowed her to participate in summer pre-college fashion merchandising at Marist College. She will be pursuing marketing as it aligns with what she would like to do for her career, which is fashion merchandising.
As an alternative major, she has chosen communication to aid her in her preferred field. Olivia has already been accepted at three of the universities to which she has applied.
The Class of 1960 has been extremely generous with their donations through the years and hopes to continue the scholarship awards as long as the donations pour in. Diane Suffredini, representing the Class of 1960, presented Olivia her scholarship certificate at the Awards Night. And quoted: “We always remember the great education and guidance we received during our high school years and want to “pay it forward” with this Scholarship Fund. Here’s hoping other past graduating classes may decide to “pick up the baton” and do the same.”
Congratulations to Olivia, the recipients of the other scholarships, and all of the Class of 2023.
Way to go, Olivia! You are one of our leaders of the future. You have made Somerville proud. Use your skills and education to make the world a better place for all.
Steve Keenan
SHS-class of 1968