Helen F. McIntrye Scholarship established through SHS Scholarship Foundation

On Monday, January 24, the Somerville School Committee formally accepted at $153,601 bequest from the estate of Helen F. McIntyre, who died in December 2009 at her home on Cape Cod. Ms. McIntrye, a Somerville High School graduate from the Class of 1936, bequeathed the funds to establish a scholarship for a Somerville High School graduate who is attending BU and is planning to study business. Upon
learning of the bequest Superintendent of Schools Tony Pierantozzi remarked, “The generosity of the community of Somerville and Somerville High School graduates is extraordinary. Ms. McIntrye joins hundreds of others in making it possible for many of our graduates to fulfill their college aspirations.”

Helen F. McIntrye was born in Somerville in 1918. A third generation American, she was the granddaughter of William Cullinane who immigrated to Somerville from Ireland in 1895. Ms. McIntyre earned a Bachelor’s degree at Boston University in 1940 and began a lifelong career as an Executive at General Electric. Ms. McIntrye, who never married and never had children, lived in Somerville up until her retirement from GE, at which time she moved to Cape Cod.
Reflecting on Ms. McIntyre’s legacy, Somerville High School Headmaster Tony Ciccariello said, “It is a great source of pride for the Somerville High School community when an alumnus chooses to remember Somerville High School for the role it had in shaping their life. It is also a testament to the core value of a Somerville High School education which calls on all graduates to be community and civic minded individuals. There is no better way for a Somerville High School graduate to acknowledge the education they received in our school system
than to help a current student continue their education at the college level.”
Somerville High School students who plan to attend Boston University to study business will be able to apply for the Helen F. McIntrye Scholarship using the SHS Scholarship Foundation common application beginning in 2012. The 2011 Scholarship Foundation book was distributed to students in the Class of 2011 on February 3rd.
The 2011 SHS Scholarship Foundation materials will are also online at www.somerville.k12.ma.us/scholarship_foundation.
In addition to managing the new Helen F. McIntyre Scholarship, the Somerville High School Scholarship Foundation annually distributes more than 80 scholarships from graduating seniors, and distributes at least $90,000 in college scholarships to deserving students annually. Community fundraising takes place throughout the year to continuously expand the amount of money being given to deserving graduates pursuing higher education and advanced technical study. This community fundraising includes a commemorative brick
campaign being launched in late January 2011. Personalized, etched bricks may be purchased by members of
the community for $125 each. These bricks will be used to repave the Atrium entrance to Somerville High
School. Visit www.somerville.k12.ma.us/scholarshipbrick to learn more.
For more information about the Helen F. McIntyre Scholarship established at Somerville High School, please
contact Superintendent Tony Pierantozzi at 617-625-6600 x6005 or email tpieranotozzi@k12.somerville.ma.u


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