Sligo’s Last Call

On May 11, 2023, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

The owners of Sligo Pub announced that it will close its doors in early June after several decades of business. My dad drank there when it was Pat Connolly’s.

Here are some comments regarding the closure:

“They are being pushed out because there’s a new building coming whole new development only the Burren will survive”

“My uncle, Joe Branley, owned the Sligo Pub way back in the day!”

“Pat Connelly’s was drinking there when I was 18 was a great place no fights.”

“Sad. Davis Sq. is gonna look like Kendall Sq.”

“They also give our dog treats as we pass by!”

“They used to have a jar of pickled eggs on the bar.”

“99 year lease from The Burren down. I think that they’re going to incorporate the Burren into the new labs they’re building, but everything else is going to be leveled. They’re supposed to do the same to the two buildings that the post office and Starbucks are in.”

“I always had a lot of fun the meeting new people and stopping by to have a cold one. It was a very comfortable place to be in and the staff was very friendly and I enjoyed going in there immensely.”

“My father used to hang out there back in the day! Sad to see another landmark going out of business!”

“They are being pushed out because there’s a new building coming whole new development only the Burren will survive.”

“Consequence of the zoning passed which upzones corridors and near subways. All these buildings will be reincarnated with more stories.”

The Mannion family who says, “Stop by and say goodbye to our staff and share memories.”

Special thanks to Ronnie Stevens.


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