Gun, knife threats to officer over double parking

On February 4, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By George P.  Hassett

A Medford man told a police officer he would “shoot [the officer and his] family with an AK-47” after the man double parked on Broadway so he could get a cup of coffee Jan. 28, police said.

Julio Marin, 32, of 566 Main St., told officers “the flashers are on” after they told him he could not double park on Broadway, police said. He then allegedly cursed at the officers.

Officers asked Marin for his driver’s license five times but he refused, police said. A check of the registration plate revealed Marin’s license had been suspended due to an operating under the influence breath test refusal.

When police did an inventory search of Marin’s truck they saw a large kitchen knife, police said. When an officer asked him why he had the knife in his car, Marin allegedly said, “That’s for you!”

He was arrested and charged with refusing to produce a driver’s license, operating a motor vehicle after suspense for refusing an OUI breathalyzer test, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and threatening to commit a crime.


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