Left to right: Brian Kilfoyle of Simplifile, Register Eugene C. Brune, Somerville Attorneys Isaac Machado, Adam Dash and Robert Costello and Greg Brown of Inge.
By William Tauro
Middlesex South Register of Deeds Eugene C. Brune recently held an “E-Recording Informational Session” at his office.
The event brought together e-vendors and those interested in electronically recording their real estate documents at the Registry of Deeds, thereby alleviating the need to come in person or mail documents, a great convenience to all.
The Register, along with Secretary of State William F. Galvin, implemented this cutting edge technology as a service to their constituents. It has been greatly received and provides a stream-lined, efficient and fast recording process.
For more information log onto http://www.cambridgedeeds.com/
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