— Photo courtesy of Kiwanis Club of Somerville
The Somerville Kiwanis club teams up annually with the Community Action Agency of Somerville (CAAS) Head Start Program to supply much needed gifts to eligible Head Start children. Now in its 23rd year, the gift program has changed a bit due to Covid restrictions. However, given the Kiwanians incredible generosity and “get it done” attitude, they were able to supply every single Head Start child, ages 3-5 years old, with a gift for Christmas this year. That’s almost 200 gifts. Kiwanis members purchased the gifts and gathered together to wrap every one of them prior to delivery to the Head Start staff for distribution.
Pictured L-R Jim Bowdring, Past President Toni Shelzi, Past President Tony Ciccariello, Distinguished Past Secretary Bob Nissenbaum, Rod Laurenz, Immediate Past President Mernaysa Rivera-Bujosa, John Caruso and Past President Jack Connolly. Program Chairwoman Jill Bowdring at center. Upon completion of the wrapping of all those gifts, President Haley Adams extended kudos to our wonderfully generous Kiwanis Club members for not just maintaining but actually extending the reach of this worthwhile program this holiday season.
To learn more about the Kiwanis Club of Somerville, or to become a member, visit our web site, www.somervillekiwanis.org. You can also follow us on Facebook, Kiwanis Club of Somerville.
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