Our poet writes: “Hi! My name is Emma Campanale. I absolutely love to write and have been a poetry fan since I was little. I can’t tell you the amount of notebooks I have at home filled with my poems. Other than writing, I love to play the guitar and clarinet, listen to music (my favorite’s Bob Dylan), and teach younger kids, as I am an early childhood education major.”

Emma Campanale
Heat Lightning
The moon falls over
Every other mid afternoon.
She tumbles off her stand,
And rolls down to hell,
Moving fast,
And with conviction.
Once she arrives,
She is greeted with deep red wine
That coats her indents,
Turning her shape into mars.
As it turns time to leave,
She rolls back up into the sky,
Appearing orange amongst the blue expanse.
People point cameras
And sit on their roofs
With half empty bottles of moonshine
And firey cigarettes that
Leave the taste of burnt popcorn
On the back of your tongue.
The moon would not miss a show like this,
So she returns on lonely nights
Dripping with spirits
To be called a bountiful harvest
And to bring company to those
That have never seen a drunken moon
In a beautiful sky
That colors the whites of their eyes
— Emma Campanale
To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143
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