Applications to Become a Paid Climate Forward Ambassador Will Be Accepted Until January 2, 2023

The City of Somerville is seeking community members aged 16 years or older to participate in the 2023 Climate Forward Ambassadors program. Potential members should be interested in learning more, as well as educating others, about climate change, environmental justice and equity, and Somerville’s Climate Forward Plan. Ambassadors do not need any prior knowledge about climate change to participate—in fact, the ideal group will have a range of knowledge and expertise. Participants will receive a $400 stipend for participating, and dinner will be provided for in-person meetings.  

To apply, please fill out a simple application form at

 The 2023 Ambassadors Program 

Up to 25 participants will be selected for the 2023 program. The group will meet with OSE staff twice a month on Thursdays between February and June. During and after the program, ambassadors will engage in discussions and decisions about climate change and environmental justice, learn about the impact of various climate actions within Somerville, engage in City-led climate programs and projects and encourage other residents to take action.

During the program, the City will be updating its climate action plan, Somerville Climate Forward. Ambassadors will be actively involved in the 2023 Somerville Climate Forward Plan (SCF) update. 

Ambassadors will do one activity of their choosing related to a Somerville Climate Forward Action Area. Potential projects include, but are not limited to, holding a small group discussion with neighbors, creating an art project, writing a blog post, volunteer work, engaging on a policy topic, or any other related project. Ambassadors will present their final project during the public celebration.

Meeting Schedule:  

Ambassadors are expected to participate in all ten meetings, including the public celebration.




Type of Meeting 

Tentative Topic 

Thursday, February 9th 



Welcome, introductions, expectations 

Thursday, February 16th 



Climate Change: global and local implications  

Thursday, March 16th 




Introduction to Environmental Justice 

Thursday, March 23rd  



Incorporating Environmental Justice and Equity in the Somerville Climate Forward (SCF) update 

Thursday, April 6th 



SCF Update 

Thursday, April 13th 



Introduction to projects 

Thursday, May 11th 




Environmental Communications 

Thursday, May 18th 



Project work, debrief, and how to stay engaged 

Thursday, June 8th 



Project presentations and celebration! 


If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact:

Erin Noël, OSE Community Engagement Specialist at 617-625-660 x2425 or



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