Best gift ever

On December 15, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

I asked for a guitar for two Christmases and finally got it on Christmas Day 1966 and started taking lessons. Before that my favorite toy was an Erector Set and my Aurora Racecar set. This story is about our friends and neighbors’ best and most loved Christmas presents and gifts.

“I loved Spirograph. I played it for hours!”

“Atari 2600. I was the envy of the neighborhood!”

“Barbie dolls. Favorite stocking stuffers were the old books of McDonald’s gift certificates and Christmas Life Saver story books.”

“Mrs. Beasley… still have her…!”

“My Brother Tony’s Drum Set. Christmas 1954.”

“My sister got a talking Chatty Cathy doll.”

“Speedway sled. I waxed those runners and would fly down the former church lot across from the Highland Ave. fire station!“

“Set of Tonka construction vehicles. I recently found them in my mom’s basement. Plan on sending them along to someone.”

“There was no favorite, every year mom and dad would come through with all the latest toys.”

“Thumberlina doll, doll baby carriage, etc.  We got a lot. My parents worked hard to give us great Christmases.”

“Easy Bake Oven and Colorforms.”

“Barbie town house. It was missing parts or my dad messed up, but even though it wasn’t perfect I loved it! Lol.”

“My favorite gift all time is when my dad got me a Nintendo back in 88 or 89. Just knowing how difficult they were to get on the holidays, he came up clutch.”

“Mrs. Beasley… still have her…”

Remember the Kenner Give a Show projector? We had it when we were young and I bought one recently off of eBay to add to my collection of relics, junk, and collectibles.

The year I got my first acoustic guitar was huge. The following Christmas I got my first electric guitar and my life changed. My dad paid $28 dollars for it at Raymond’s department store. I remember getting gifts from The Bargain Center in Davis Square. Sometimes the things were singed with soot because Bargain Center sold a lot of fire damaged stock. I can still remember the smell.

Remembering our past Christmases adds a special warmth to the holiday season.


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