
On November 24, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte

Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful for the things that we have. Things like health, happiness, and family. I asked my Somerville social media friends what they were thankful for. Each new comment is in quotes.

“I was given 6 to 12 months to live October 2020, I’m still here and very thankful for it.”

“Thankful for my family who’ve been there for me when so called friends haven’t.”

“Finally, finding someone who cares about me.”

“I’m grateful for the family I have left on this earth. We will miss you this year Marcia!”

“My family, both blood & chosen.”

“Thankful for my family who’ve been there for me when so called friends haven’t.”

“My two Michaels who are my family, and all the wonderful adventures I’ve lived with great family and friends.”

“I am most thankful for my big brother! He has saved me my entire life!”

“A roof over my heat, heat in my home, food on the table and my friends and family who are there for me.”

“The cancer treatment worked. I can spend another year with family.”

“A wonderful woman in my life and living in Florida.”

“I am grateful for my children and their spouses … my grandchildren and their spouses.”

I celebrate the life of my father who passed away on Thanksgiving Day, 1994. I am extremely grateful that I had such a great father and lots of happy memories.

This last comment really sums it up.

“I’m grateful that at this stage of life I’m still waking up every morning.”

Amen. I’m grateful for the love and devotion my family has. I wish everyone a healthy and happy Thanksgiving.


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