After four terms, makes commitment to stay in Somerville

Mayor Joe Curtatone is running for a fifth term.
By George P. Hassett
Mayor Joe Curtatone announced last week he will run for a fifth term in November and denied rumors he was interested in statewide political office.
Curtatone acknowledged that he heard rumors that he had interviewed for the Middlesex County Sheriff’s job but said he had no interest in the job and had not interviewed for it. The position was left vacant after the death of former Sheriff James DiPaola.
“I’m not seeking or waiting for a political opportunity,” Curtatone said. “I still have as much excitement and energy to be mayor as my first day on the job.
Curtatone first announced his re-election bid on the Somerville Community Access Television program “Greater Somerville” hosted by Joe Lynch and KyAnn Anderson. He said priorities for a possible fifth term would include working to secure the Green Line extension through Somerville, development at Assembly Square and strengthening city schools.
Curtatone, a four-term alderman before he was elected as mayor, was first elected in November 2003 after he defeated Tony LaFuente by 662 votes in the general election. He ran unopposed in 2005 and 2009. In 2007, he defeated challenger Suzanne Bremer in the general election by 6,180 votes.
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