Mayor Katjana Ballantyne and city staff invite you to a community meeting to discuss findings from the Citywide Parking and Curb Use Study and its proposed recommendations for developing an effective, equitable curb-management system in Somerville.
The city launched the Citywide Parking and Curb Use Study to comprehensively understand the parking system in Somerville and identify potential action steps to create a more equitable, sustainable, and accessible transportation network. The study was carried out jointly by the Mobility Division, the Parking Department, external consultants, and the Parking Study Task Force, a 21-member group consisting of representatives from City Council, the Council on Aging, the Commission for Persons with Disabilities, the Pedestrian and Transit Advisory Committee, the Bicycle Advisory Committee, local businesses, and many city departments.
After two years of research, data collection, and stakeholder engagement, the study has concluded, and the team has issued a final report summarizing findings and recommendations. The report outlines strategies to address operational challenges, reduce future parking demand, and equitably allocate limited curb space. The final report is now available on the project website, and the project team will host a community meeting to walk through key learnings, including:
An overview of the final report.
Parking and curb policy issues and opportunities.
Curb management strategies.
Public input on draft study recommendations.
Next steps for the City of Somerville.
The virtual community meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 19, at 6:00 p.m. To learn more and register to attend, go to The meeting will be recorded and posted on the project website.
Interpretation into Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Kreyol, Nepali, Mandarin, Cantonese, or other languages may be available upon advance request by contacting the SomerViva Office of Immigrant Affairs at or calling 311 at 617-666-3311.
Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City or to attend meetings, should contact the City’s ADA Coordinator, Adrienne Pomeroy, at 617-625-6600 x2059 or
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