Berk (Marty) is an accomplished improvisational jazz pianist and arranger who has found new artistic expression through writing poetry. The inspiration for The Gallery was spawned when he attended a jam session at the gallery of the artist Stephen LaPierre in Gloucester. The Gallery is the first of several poems he has written so far. He currently works with singer–songwriter Jennifer Matthews.

M.S. Berk
The Gallery
High walls adorned with images of life
Not a single space left unaccounted
Below, the music began
“It’s life’s illusions I recall”
The musicians gaze at each other
Their eyes a distant bliss
Mouths agape with songs of love
Songs of pain
Songs of hope
An enchanting world
Where everything and everyone
Is a molecule
That forms the compound
World peace is possible
At that moment
— M.S. Berk
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