Mayor Ballantyne, Ward 3 Councilor Ben Ewen Campen and members of the Somerville Community Land Trust celebrate the first property acquisition of SCLT, located at 7 Summer Street.
By The Times Staff
The Somerville Community Land Trust hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the first community land trust project in Somerville on Wednesday, August 17. The project, funded by the City of Somerville, the Somerville Affordable Housing Trust Fund, and Winter Hill Bank, brings five permanently affordable homes to Somerville’s Union Square Neighborhood.
The newly constructed condominium building sits atop land that will be stewarded in perpetuity by the Somerville Community Land Trust. A lottery process will launch this month, welcoming low-to-moderate income first-time homebuyers who will become the first resident-members of the Somerville Community Land Trust.
“We are thrilled to acquire our first property in the heart of Somerville, in a neighborhood facing immense coming change,” said Elizabeth Haney, the President of the Board of Directors of the Somerville Community Land Trust. “We’re grateful for the city’s support and to introduce a new model for community controlled, permanently affordable housing. We hope this is the first of many acquisitions in Somerville.”
The Union Square neighborhood, like many areas of Somerville, has seen rapidly rising rents and home prices, fueling displacement of long-time residents and community members, just as long-awaited public amenities like the Green Line extension arrive. The Somerville Community Land Trust’s mission is to use community ownership of land to resist and reverse these displacement pressures, promoting neighborhood stability and community voice in development.
“This is the beginning of an era,” said Ben Ewen-Campen, City Councilor for Somerville’s Ward 3 and member of the Board of Directors of the Somerville Community Land Trust. “The Somerville Community Land Trust began as a dream five years ago, and thanks to the unbelievable hard work and support of so many Somervillians, we now have our first affordable homes, on community-controlled land. I could not be more thrilled.”
“Simply put, this is a historic moment for the people of Somerville,” said Mayor Katjana Ballantyne. “This acquisition will provide stable, permanently affordable housing on community-owned, community-led land for generations to come. I’m grateful to the Somerville Community Land Trust and all those who had the vision, drive, and dedication to get us here, and I look forward to building on this work together.”
The Somerville Affordable Housing Trust Fund has supported the preservation and creation of affordable rental and homeownership units in Somerville since 1989. The City of Somerville also supports affordable housing through the administration of federal funds like the Community Development Block Grant program, which helped make the 7 Summer Street project possible. Winter Hill Bank is an independent, mutual, community bank headquartered in Somerville and committed to remaining responsive and responsible for the needs of its local communities.
Lottery applications will be available online at 7SummerLottery.com and in-person during business hours at Somerville City Hall, Somerville City Hall Annex, and the Somerville Library at 79 Highland Ave.
About the Somerville Community Land Trust:
The Somerville Community Land Trust is a local, member-led nonprofit organization dedicated to building permanently affordable housing and promoting neighborhood stability through community ownership of land. Incorporated in 2019, the Somerville Community Land Trust has earned strong community and financial support, including the support of a network of more than 100 members and volunteers, to help make this milestone possible. somervillecommunitylandtrust.org | @somervilleclt.
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