Llyn Clague lives in Sleepy Hollow, NY. His poems have been published widely, including in Ibbetson Street, Atlanta Review, Wisconsin Review, California Quarterly, Main Street Rag, New York Quarterly, and other magazines. His eighth book, Up Close And Nuclear, was published by Main Street Rag. Visit www.llynclague.com.
The Quiet Kayak
I slip over the surface of the water
almost silently, close along the shore,
inches above the lake floor,
burnished gold, pocked with pebbles.
Out in the open, over the deep,
dark to black, under a pale sky
seamless as time, I gaze down-lake,
green walls narrowing like a canyon.
Over the dark deep,
under the empty high,
the space is the quiet,
the quiet is the space.
— Llyn Clague
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