The Somerville Armory was built in 1903 and has served many purposes for the community. Today, it houses many community events – including a monthly Red Cross blood drive.
By Molly Rains
On Wednesday, July 13, the American Red Cross blood drive returned to the Armory on Highland Avenue in Somerville. For the afternoon, the high-ceilinged performance hall transformed into a bustling donation center where Somerville residents rolled up their sleeves and provided critical donations to patients in need.
The Red Cross estimates that someone in the U.S. needs blood every two seconds. Traumatic injuries, surgeries, chronic illness, and even cancer treatment can all make blood transfusions a necessity. Sometimes, donated blood can be the difference between life and death.
Blood drives like Wednesday’s are critical to the healthcare system. The American Red Cross relies entirely on donations to supply about 40% of the blood used by our nation’s hospitals. Unfortunately, this is not always enough. The Red Cross experienced what they called the worst blood shortage in over a decade during the Omicron surge this past winter, and the blood supply has not entirely recovered.
Blood shortages put increased strain on hospitals already struggling to cope with the pandemic and make it difficult for patients to get the medical care they need. Low donor turnout is one of the main drivers of blood shortages. According to the Red Cross, in the U.S., only about three percent of those who are eligible donate blood every year.
Eligible donors can help combat this problem at the Somerville Armory, where blood drives are hosted on a monthly basis. Participants can expect an efficient and streamlined process on donation day. After checking in and providing a short medical history to verify eligibility, the donation itself begins, generally lasting fewer than ten minutes. Afterwards, with a fresh band-aid and a juice box, a donor can relax, rehydrate, and boost their blood sugar at the well-stocked snack table for ten to fifteen minutes before going on their way (or stopping at Rooted Café in the Armory to refuel further). The entire appointment typically takes well under an hour.
If you are considering becoming a blood donor, your choice could help save lives. The next blood drive at the Armory will take place on Wednesday, August 17, from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. Visit the Red Cross website (https://www.redcrossblood.org/) or call them at 1-800-733-2767 to verify your eligibility and learn more about donation. Appointments are available on the website about one week in advance of the drive.
On the day of your donation, bring your photo ID and consider filling out the Red Cross Rapid Pass questionnaire for blood donors (also available online) before leaving for your appointment. Make sure to drink plenty of water and eat a substantial, nutritious meal leading up to your donation.
Visit the Arts at the Armory website (https://artsatthearmory.org/) to learn more about future blood drives as well as the wide range of other community events hosted in this space.
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