Sweet Justice plays at his son Andrew's 1st birthday party.
By Ashley Troutman
Jeff Jam, Rhythmic Explorations, Sweet Justice, and Steve Mayone will collaborate to entertain adults and children alike at the Music Fair for Families. Sponsored by Somerville Family and Community Connections (SFCC), the fair will be held on Sunday, Jan. 30.
Tara McCaffrey, member of the Parent Advisory Council for SFCC, said, “We are looking forward to seeing members of the community, and giving families and kids something fun to do on a cold winter afternoon. We hope everyone who comes along will sing and dance, and have a great time with friends and neighbors.”
Jeff Jam from Somerville Community Access Television’s Jeff Jam Sing Song Show will perform a sing-a-long, and the Rhythmic Explorations will supply drums for a Tot Drum Circle. McCaffrey said, “Rhythmic Explorations incorporates song, movement and drumming.”

Jeff Jam
Steve Mayone, a Boston-based singer-songwriter has played sing-a-longs in Somerville’s libraries, and will entertain at the fair. Sweet Justice plays classic rock, country, and blues, but will be performing children’s music at the fair.
“This is our first music fair. We are hoping that we get a good turnout and that people will make voluntary donations so that we can have another music fair in the spring,” McCaffrey said.
The free Music Fair for Families with Young Children will be from 3 to 5 p.m. in the cafeteria of the Argenziano School on Washington Street.
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