By Mina Rose Morales
All She Wrote Books is a queer bookstore for more than the month of Pride. “We are queer everyday 365 days every year,” said the founder and owner of All She Wrote Books, Christina Pascucci-Ciampa while laughing.
All She Wrote Books is an intersectional, feminist, and queer bookstore that carries historically marginalized voices across all genres. Pascucci-Ciampa describes her bookstore as safe, intersectional, and very queer.
Before becoming a bookstore owner, Pascucci-Ciampa worked in marketing communications for about 10 years. She wanted to be passionate about what she was doing for a career, so she decided to leave marketing.
Pasccuci-Ciampa was tired of seeing the same five queer and feminist books at the indie bookstores in the area. She wanted to sell different types of books that were either on the back of shelves or weren’t on the shelves at indie bookstores.
“I literally woke up at 2:00 a.m. in the morning,” said Pascucci-Ciampa when talking about how she came up with the name of her bookstore. She grabbed her notebook and began brainstorming different types of words and word combinations until she came up with All She Wrote Books. The name fit because it fit her. Pascucci-Ciampa still has the notebook where she created All She Wrote Books.
Her bookstore started off as a popup bookstore on April 20, 2019. Pascucci-Ciampa had several popups at the Winter Hill Brewery Company, Boston Women’s Market, Juliet, and Bow Market in Somerville. Conversations about opening a shop on Assembly Row began in January 2020.
In March 2020, Pascucci-Ciampa got keys to her bookstore; however, she could not open the shop because of COVID-19. She ran an online bookstore until July 10, 2020, when she opened doors to her bookstore but only by appointment.
“We are more than just a bookstore,” said Stacey Piwinski, the director of operations and programming. They hold many events at the bookstore that cater to their values, according to Piwinski.
All She Wrote Books had its first Drag Queen Story Hour on Saturday, June 11, 2022, with Miss Bella Luna. On Saturday, June 25, 2020, they will host their Queer as Jokes comedy show that features local queer feminist comics.
Pascucci-Ciampa’s job is not always glamours as some people may think. Her workday is filled with the tasks of owning and running a small business. However, she enjoys conversing with her customers and helping them find themselves within the pages of the books she sells.
The books in her bookstore are constantly being challenged by society. “It is our big task to make those books available to the public,” said Pascucci-Ciampa.
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