Willy Ramírez is an educator, poet, and cultural advocate residing in Massachusetts. He is the founder and organizer of La Guagua Reading Group and of the annual La Guagua Poetry Festival, hosted by Middlesex Community College, where Ramirez is Professor of English.
No más poesía…

Willy Ramírez
… Y que callen las palabras.
Quiero quedar tranquilo.
No quiero metáforas.
Quiero partir de lo que soy.
Más no hablaré de música o de olas.
Sino de carne y de sangre.
de hueso y de polvo.
de tierra y de silencio.
Acabó el tiempo de las invenciones
y de las contemplaciones.
Las palabras intoxicaron la esencia de las cosas.
No quiero más poesía.
Mi cuerpo sobre la tierra:
la palabra, la poesía, y la metáfora.
No more poetry…
… And let the words be in silence.
I want to remain quiet.
No more metaphors.
I want to start with what I am.
But I will not speak of music or of sea waves.
Only of flesh and blood,
of bone and dust.
of earth and silence
The time to invent and to contemplate has ended.
Words have intoxicated the essence of things.
No more poetry.
My body in the dirt:
the word, the poem, and the metaphor.
— Willy Ramírez
To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143
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