Lauren Nielson is a freshman at Endicott College, majoring in English with a concentration in Secondary Education. On campus, she frequently writes articles for Endicott’s chapter of HerCampus, which is an online magazine targeted for female college students. In addition to reading and writing, she enjoys traveling and spending time with her family in Dartmouth, Massachusetts.

Lauren Nielson
Nineteen is emerald green.
Nineteen is like diving with Great White Sharks in Australia
but also like sleeping under luminous stars in Bryce Canyon National Park on a summer night.
Nineteen is the taste of bitter black coffee.
It is the smell of fresh spearmint gum
and the sound of popcorn kernels popping in the microwave.
It is a stomachache.
Nineteen is like running through New York City on New Year’s Eve
but also like walking on a tightrope over the Grand Canyon.
Nineteen is a Taylor Swift breakup song.
It is the sight of amber sea glass on the beach shore
and the feeling of burning your tongue on hot chocolate.
It is a Brindle French Bulldog.
Nineteen is like singing karaoke at an overcrowded gastropub in Nashville,
but also like learning to speak Italian while in Florence.
Nineteen is the last page of the first chapter in a novel.
— Lauren Nielson
To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143
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