The View From Prospect Hill – January 12

On January 12, 2011, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Can we call this iPhone-gate 2011?

The dispute between ex-Foundry on Elm waitress Lindsay Garvey and Apple CEO Steve Jobs sure seems epic to us. A fired waitress, high powered CEO and an online firestorm make this the biggest controversy in Somerville without the words “Ball Square” and “breakfast war.”

Garvey lost her wait staff job at Foundry on Elm after an Apple iPhone glitch caused her morning alarm not to go off. She struck back in a very 21st Century way: writing a blistering open letter online.

Does this call for an iPhone summit at the White House? Probably not.

We were happy to learn that Garvey has been contacted by employers who heard her story but further trouble can be avoided with a solution from the distant, distant past: an alarm clock.


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