Break-in suspect alleges mistaken arrest

On March 24, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Jim Clark

Somerville Police officers were dispatched to a Somerville Ave. location last week on reports of an alarm. Somerville Police control received a call from the location’s alarm company as a confirmed breaking and entering, and the reporting party was on scene.

Upon arrival, the officers spotted a man, later identified as James Hargrove, standing in front of the business, in the company of a dog and having a phone conversation via earphones.

Hargrove appeared to officers to be under the influence, and reportedly had an odor of alcohol from his breath.

The officers asked Hargrove if he was the owner of the establishment, and he reportedly responded, “Can you just turn this alarm off?”

The officers told Hargrove that they were there for a confirmed breaking and entering, and they needed to identify him as the owner of the establishment.

Hargrove reportedly stated that it took us hours to respond, and at that point he did not need our assistance. The officers reassured Hargrove that they responded within minutes of being dispatched.

According to reports, Hargrove refused to identify himself upon request. The officers also tried to explain to him the reason for having to identify him.  Hargrove finally provided his MA driver’s license, which was called in to police dispatch for verification.

While waiting for dispatch to verify ownership of the business, Hargrove stated that he did not need police assistance and he wanted the officers out of his business. They explained to him that they still do not have a confirmation from dispatch and needed to make sure there are no signs of a break-in.

As an officer tried to enter the business to confirm if a break in occurred, Hargrove reportedly stood in the doorway and refused to allow him to enter.

During the interaction, Hargrove stuck both of his middle fingers at the officers, stating he does not like the police and he has no respect for them.

According to the officers, Hargrove was extremely belligerent during the entire interaction. He reportedly got extremely close to one of the officers, within inches of his entire body.

Hargrove was asked to step to the side, but he pushed the officer, who then attempted to place him in handcuffs. Hargrove reportedly resisted by twisting his body and pulling away.

While trying to assist in handcuffing Hargrove, another officer was pushed by him.

Hargrove repeatedly stated that the establishment had cameras and was recording everything that was taking place, and that the officers did not have cameras. He continued telling the officers that they were making a mistake, as they did not know who he was.

While in handcuffs, Hargrove reportedly made a stern eye contact with one of the officers and asked if I was sure I wanted to arrest him, and assured him that he was making a mistake. He reportedly asked if the officer knew who he was and that he was going to regret his decision.

Hargrove was asked if he had consumed any alcoholic beverages, and he stated that he had one drink.

While waiting for transport to the police station, Hargrove reportedly attempted pulling away from the officers, screaming that they were making a mistake, and increasingly raised his voice, which caught the attention of passersby.

Hargrove was transported to the station and was booked in the usual manner on charges of resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, assault and battery on a police officer, and witness intimidation.


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