Letter to the Editor – March 2

On March 2, 2022, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries and letters to the Editor of The Somerville Times belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville Times, its staff or publishers)

Regarding your article in the February 23rd edition, it is good to know that the city is at last addressing the rat problem. I live in Day St close by Davis Square and have been catching rats almost daily now for over a year. A week ago we were presented with an estimate from the Subaru dealer for repairs to our new car with only 4,700 miles on it for over $5,000 to remedy rat damage to the wiring and hoses. Rats are more than a nuisance; they carry disease, and we fix this problem. Putting food waste in secure trash barrels deprives them of a food source and perhaps we need more so that visitors to Davis have somewhere to leave their pizza crusts and other foods that litter the streets. It is good news that the pilot run of SMART will include Davis. Rats are smart, they learn quickly so it is hoped we can outsmart them with technology.

Alan Bingham


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