AFC receives top scores in consumer satisfaction survey

On December 19, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Adult Family Care (AFC) received high scores for supporting friend and family caregivers in the program’s 2020 Customer Satisfaction Survey.

The survey sought feedback from all families served by AFC, asking both caregivers and the people receiving care about their level of satisfaction with the program and the support they receive.

On average, people receiving care through AFC gave the program the highest possible rating on 85% of responses, with the following highlights: 

  • 100% said they feel safe and comfortable in their homes
  • 100% said they are satisfied with how AFC resolves issues and concerns that arise
  • 96% said their AFC social worker is helpful with accessing community resources

On average, AFC caregivers gave the program the highest possible rating on 84% of responses, with the following highlights:

  • 100% said AFC provides them with the tools to be a responsible caregiver
  • 100% said AFC staff is accessible when concerns arise
  • 98% said AFC staff takes the time to listen when they have concerns

AFC Program Director Nina Cohen said the results are very gratifying and a reflection of the team’s commitment to helping families provide the best care at home.

“We have an amazing team of nurses and social workers, who are some of the most dedicated and compassionate people I know,” said Cohen. “Caregiving can be incredibly challenging and complex, and our team works very hard to provide the best support for the families we serve. It means a lot to see that the people we serve hold the program in such high regard.”

The survey also sought insight on what people like about the program. The most popular answer from people receiving care was the support that AFC provides. 

 “I like that I receive the personal help that I need from the registered nurse and social worker,” wrote one participant.

“Knowing I have people who care,” said another.

Among caregivers, the top answer was providing essential care for a loved one. 

“The fact that I get to care for my mom, not a stranger,” wrote one AFC caregiver.

“I am able to be with my son,” wrote another.

The second most popular answer among caregivers was the support they receive from AFC nurses and social workers. 

“If I ever have questions, my AFC staff are there if I need them,” said one caregiver.

“The AFC staff and program have been great during tough times, like the pandemic,” said another.

Adult Family Care is a regional program of Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services that helps more than 240 eligible adults across the Greater Boston Area receive the best care at home, by providing training, compensation, and ongoing support for live-in caregivers. For more information call 617-440-0987, email or visit


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