Our View of the Times – December 15

On December 15, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

The holiday season gives us that little nudge we sometimes need to take stock in what is most important for us and to share in the sense of appreciation that we feel amongst one another.

Of course, for those of us who may be blessed with material abundance, it is also important to help the less fortunate who may be in need as the winter holiday season unfolds. Consider giving a little of your time or money to make another’s life a little better, particularly during the winter months to come.

For those among who may be struggling to keep it all together, remember to look at what is good in life and remain faithful that change for the better is always waiting just around the corner.

There are many ways to help the many in our community who may be in need at this time. Seek out relief organizations such as the Somerville Homeless Coalition, Project Soup, Community Action Agency of Somerville, Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES), Elizabeth Peabody House Pantry and any number of others to make a generous donation.

Your support is vital in assuring that those in need get through the harsh winter months ahead.

Of equal importance is supporting our local businesses during the following holiday shopping season as they endeavor to bounce back from the setbacks brought on by Covid-19 restrictions.

May this holiday season provide a meeting ground for all of us. One in which we can share in the goodness of life and fellowship between us all. There’s no better way to express our generosity.


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