Honorable Members of the Traffic Board,
I have viewed the City Website (link below) regarding the above meeting
I plan on attending, but I have a few concerns regarding the information on the notice.
Why were items #3 and #4 from the July 15th meeting, including the REMOVAL of Parking on College Ave not listed on the Traffic Board agenda for Dec. 1 @ 6PM?
Here is the info listed on the website under UPCOMING EVENTS OF THE TRAFFIC BOARD
The City of Somerville Traffic Board will hold a virtual public hearing on Wednesday, December 1, regarding the Somerville Traffic Commission July 15, 2021, actions making regulatory changes for the College Avenue Mobility Improvements Project.
No where is it mentioned that this is an appeal hearing of the votes taken at the July 15th Traffic Commission meeting where resident voters appealed those votes taken that evening.
Additionally, there is a deadline for information to be sent by 4PM to the Transportation@somervillema.gov email.
Having chaired many public hearings in my career as an elected Somerville official (Alderman now known as Councilor), it was a common courtesy to allow additional testimony to be submitted for a time certain after the meeting (7-14 days) , especially if there was information provided at the hearing that merited consideration or verification of provided testimony; Why not at this public hearing?
I am nor sure when that decision was made, and was it made in a public meeting? Could you kindly advise when that occurred?
Another matter of concern is the fact that the City is going to make a brief presentation (how long?) yet there was no summary or details provided in the notice of that presentation.
Is this the same presentation made at the July 15th 2021 Traffic Commission meeting currently being appealed?
Should not members of the public have an opportunity to view a summary of the info in the notice of the presentation, and given an opportunity to present an opposing point of view?
Specifically, why aren’t the petition-approved appellants included in the agenda and allowed an opportunity to make a presentation of their objections to the July 15th, 2021 votes taken and approved?
This lack of appellant opportunity certainly does not seem to be the least bit fair, nor very transparent, particularly not to reveal the true nature of this public hearing on the City of Somerville’s official website, since it is dealing with an approved appeal brought by resident voters of the City.
I might suggest that in the interest of fairness and transparency, the members of the Traffic Board discuss these concerns, and consider rescheduling the meeting to a future date, especially with the changes effective with the new City administration being sworn in in early January 2022.
I am also aware that the City is currently conducting a citywide parking study that began in August of 2021, and I believe is to be concluded in June of 2022.
Why not delay any parking removal on College Ave. until this study is concluded?
Metered parking has been available on College Ave. and in and around Davis Square for well over 60 years. Why the hurry?
Let’ s hit the ‘pause button’ on the College Ave parking removal until a more inclusive review of the impact on residents, businesses, service providers, (and employees), patients’ of health care providers, property owners (taxpayers), and congregations’ of several College Ave churches can be done in a much more open, transparent, and fair process.
I appreciate any and all consideration of my concerns and observations; After all, shouldn’t this be about the neighborhood residents and community members impacted?
As Ever,
Jack Connolly
I absolutely agree with Jack.
Resident of Somerville, Ward 4. The City has white washed this process and doesn’t listen to residents at all. Traffic study findings will come out after they have removed all parking!