“My name is Casey Allen and I’m a student at Endicott College. Here’s a little bit about me. I am nineteen years old and I’m from Burlington Vermont. Being away from home is complicated but I’m settling in nicely in Beverly. Another thing to know about me is that winter is my favorite season. There’s nothing like the first snowfall complete with a warm hot chocolate. There’s a wholeness to the little things in winter that fall together that make it my favorite season.”
Casey Allen
Moth a million
I ripped off their wing believing they would still fly,
little did I know I took away their freedom of the sky.
It’s my deepest regret of a childish claim,
but now that moth will suffer through wind and rain.
I took apart an essential part of who they are, of where
they start–
the paper-thin wing in my hand, floats away….
It’s gone with the wind and all I am left with is a feeling
of sin.
It’s so light and fragile as it drifts away
The moth remains, dying from the pain….
The one-winged moth will live out the rest of its day
Knowing it will suffer through wind and rain.
A once peaceful promise seems like a joke,
You’ll be fine! Was the last promise I ever spoke.
I’m sorry for the moth where it is now
Even decomposed within the earth,
You must dream of the sky
and a world of hurt.
— Casey Allen
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