Life in the Ville by Jimmy Del Ponte
This week, I am featuring guest writer Diane (DiNitto) Suffredini with her report on the SHS Class of 1960 Reunion
The Class of 1960 started planning its reunion in September 2019. My husband, Peter Suffredini, and I, both 1960 graduates, have been spearheading these reunions for many years, with a constant committee since 1965, when the first one was held.

Paul (seated left) and Lucille Murray (standing), with Peter and Diane Suffredini (seated right).
Without fail, a reunion has been held every five years, except for this momentous one: The Class of “60” was about to have its ”60th,” but it got delayed because of the pandemic. Not to be deterred, we re-booked the reunion for 365 days later to September 24, 2021.
During the extra 18 months, I did some heavy research and found many classmates whose addresses had changed through the years. As it turned out, four of these classmates attended their first reunion along with 102 more.
Since the Class of ’60 had to have a “60th,” the program book with an awesome photo of the original/old high school on its cover was called Class of 1960 celebrates its 60th (plus one) Anniversary! The program book and much of the memento printing for the memorabilia table was designed and printed by another classmate, Patricia DeCillis Phillips.
A great DJ, Alan Bella, got everyone motivated and many from the class participated in some fun dances including the Stroll! The men provided their rendition of YMCA, giving everyone a few laughs and the ladies performed a brilliant chorus line of the “new” Rockettes! Many friendships were renewed and a good time was had by all.

One of the DJs in front of our 1960 balloons.
Paul Murray, Class of 1960 President, a retired SHS teacher and building master, and now a member of the SHS Scholarship Fund, spoke about the campaign that had been held in 2019 to award Class of 1960 scholarships to the Class of 2020.
The Class of 1960 awarded three scholarships in the amount of $1960 each to three graduates in 2020 and another $1960 scholarship to a 2021 graduate. The Class of 1960 is already donating again towards awarding another scholarship to a deserving graduate(s) in 2022. This class has been unbelievably generous and caring in their donations to help another Somerville High graduate pursue his/her further education.
Many Class of 1960 classmates have stated how grateful they were for the great education they had received from Somerville High during their years there and how they wanted to help this generation.
The Class of 1960 is certainly unique in the way they have retained many friendships and continued with the reunions every five years. And back in 2010, prior to their 50th reunion, a group of them started having monthly lunches, and these lunches are still going on at Bickford’s, Montvale Ave., Woburn, with anywhere from 15–30 attending each month. The Class of 1960 invites you to join them at their next planned lunches: October 12, November 10, and December 8.
Who would have thought when we graduated June 6, 1960 that so many of us would still have this bond and enjoy the continuing reunions and monthly lunches? It’s been very rewarding to see so many classmates attending both.

The cover of the program book.

The “guys” after they finished their “YMCA” skit.
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