SCAT wants producers for Internet radio station

On December 25, 2010, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

A new Internet radio station, operated by Somerville Community Access Television, is offering a unique opportunity for aspiring DJs and radio producers across the state. is open to the participation of any Massachusetts resident willing to host a program and donate some volunteer hours.

Radio producers would join SCATV for an annual fee of $60, and would host regularly scheduled programs from the professional Boston Free Radio studio. All broadcast rights to commercial music are included in the membership fee, so producers could present DJ music programs, topical talk shows, informational shows, or anything else.

All languages are welcome. Training is provided with membership, so no previous radio experience is required. Producers who wish to sell advertising on their shows should contact station staff for details.

Internet radio is a fast-growing phenomenon, as more and more people tune in at their desks to stations playing what they want to hear. As a member-run station, Boston Free Radio promises to be “Your voice. Your music. Your station.”

For more information about how to join the station and begin producing a program, email Jessica Barnthouse at, or visit the website,


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