Our View of the Times – May 5

On May 5, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

While most Americans observe Labor Day on the first Monday of September each year, International Workers Day on May 1 is celebrated throughout other parts of the world in a similar fashion.

The occasion also traditionally marks the high point of spring and presages the oncoming summer months. But in the face of the COVID-19 situation, much of what was once traditional has flown out the window as a new “new normal” confronts us on an almost daily basis.

After more than a year of dealing with the pandemic, schools are still struggling to find ways to function safely and effectively, and many people are still out of work due to restrictions imposed on businesses that ordinarily operate at a high level of personal contact. Those fortunate enough to be able to work at their “home offices” have been faring better, but there are so many who aren’t as fortunate, and they are feeling the pinch.

While the city gradually reopens over time, we will hopefully be crawling our way back to some level of normalcy. In the meantime, let’s all hang in there and understand that the present state of things can’t go on forever. That there will eventually be relief from all the stress and worry that so many of us or our friends and families have experienced.

We can stand in solidarity with all the rest of the international workers who are likewise struggling to help bring everything back to normal. Let’s consider this May Day a time of recognition of the courage it takes to shoulder on in the face of adversity, as so many of us have done and are still doing.


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