Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone, the Somerville Commission for Human Rights and other community groups will celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 17, 2011. As part of the celebration the MLK Day Committee is holding an essay contest. School-aged children are invited to write a one-page essay on this year’s theme, “Realizing King’s Dream Through Youth Action.” The deadline for essays is December 20th. The winner will be announced by January 10th and invited to read their essay at the MLK celebration. Essays with contact information including name, address, telephone number, age and grade can be submitted electronically at sdarai@somervillema.gov, by mail to Sonja Darai, City Hall Annex, 50 Evergreen Avenue, Somerville, MA 02143, or can be left at the Welcome Desk in City Hall. For more information please contact 311.
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