Somerville celebrates WWII Veteran’s 100th birthday

On March 2, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Somerville honors long-time resident and WWII veteran, Marvin Spitzer’s 100th birthday with a drive-by celebration.

The Somerville City Council also issued a special citation at their latest meeting on Thursday, February 25, honoring World War II veteran and 75-year Somerville resident Marvin H. Spitzer on his 100th birthday.

The citation reads as follows: Be it hereby known to all that the Somerville City Council and Mayor offer their sincerest commendations to Marvin H. Spitzer on the auspicious occasion of his 100th birthday. Mr. Spitzer honorably served our Nation as a member of the Armed Forces during World War Two, earning his rightful place as a member of the “Greatest Generation.” The Councilors and the Mayor offer their gratitude and extend their best wishes for good health and much happiness. Offered this 25th day of February, 2021.


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