A town hall meeting on school reopening originally scheduled for January 19 has been rescheduled for Tuesday, January 26.

The Somerville Public Schools and the City of Somerville will jointly host their next online Schools Reopening Town Hall on Tuesday, January 26, at 6:30 p.m. The presentation will provide updates on local efforts related to the 2020/2021 school year amid the coronavirus pandemic, including information on building ventilation and COVID-19 testing plans. Spanish, Portuguese, and Haitian Creole interpretation will be available.

Participate in the Town Hall online or by phone:

  • The meeting will be hosted on Zoom, and there will also be an option to call into the meeting from a phone.

  • Visit somervillema.gov/virtualtownhall at the start time of the meeting to join live or get call-in information. 

  • The Somerville Public Schools will also send meeting information via their alert system to all student families and conduct additional multilingual outreach via the School’s Somerville Family Learning Collaborative.

  • Call-in information will also be available on the day of each meeting on City Cable TV and the Educational Channel (channels 13 & 15 on RCN, channels 15 & 22 on Comcast) or by calling 311. 

Watch the Town Hall:

The meeting will also be live-streamed. You can view the meeting on: 


Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication (i.e., CART, ASL), written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings should contact Nency Salamoun in advance at 617-625-6600 x2323 or NSalamoun@somervillema.gov.



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