Here is the COVID-19 update as of Friday, January 8. Please also check somervillema.gov/covid19 for information and resources that are updated frequently.
Latest news:
- Case Counts: As of January 7, a total of 3,474 Somerville residents have tested positive for COVID-19 since March, another 222 are considered probable positive cases (some current, some in the past), and sadly there have been 53 deaths. See more Somerville case data at somervillema.gov/covid19dashboard.
- First phase of Covid vaccinations underway: Somerville Public safety personnel getting vaccines next week: It’s here. Cambridge Health Alliance has been steadily vaccinating health workers with success, and now the City has just received 500 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine that will be administered to first responders and 911 staff starting January 12 as part of Phase 1 vaccinations. For information on where you fall in the State’s vaccine rollout plan, see this timeline on the State’s website or scroll to the bottom of this email. This is rapidly evolving information that may be subject to change, and City staff will continue to keep you updated via these emails, our website somervillema.gov/covidvaccine, and other outreach. Have more questions about the vaccine? The Department of Public Health has a list of FAQs online and watch for a continually updated list of more FAQs at somervillema.gov/covidvaccine.
- Apply for small business relief funds: The City of Somerville has made $5 million available to small businesses in its third round of the Small Business COVID-19 Relief Fund. Eligible businesses can apply for grants of up to $25,000. Applications are now available and will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Learn more about the funding, including eligibility requirements, or apply for funds online.
- Check your bank account or the mail for your economic impact payment: A second round of economic impact payments ($600 for those who earned up to $75,000 in 2019 and less for those who earned more) have started being distributed. If you are eligible to receive an economic impact payment it should arrive the same way as the first payment earlier in the pandemic. Visit the IRS website for more information and to check your payment status.
- We’re still accepting homemade face masks as part of our 10,000 Mask Drive: We have passed the 5,000 mask milestone! Thank you! Can you help us get to 10,000? If you’re a crafty Somerville resident who has been sewing reusable face masks, please consider donating some to our 10,000 Mask Drive. After being laundered, masks are distributed to seniors and other vulnerable populations. If you would like to donate masks, put them in a sealed bag and bring them to the drop box at either the Central Library (79 Highland Ave.) or the East Branch Library (115 Broadway).
- Free COVID-19 testing: CHA Somerville Hospital offers free testing at Assembly Row. To make an appointment, call 617-665-2928 (Mon-Fri, 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.). The mobile COVID-19 testing unit also offers testing in our neighborhoods. Mobile testing schedules, as they become available, and more information on both can be found at somervillema.gov/covidtesting. The State also operates several Stop the Spread testing sites, including in the nearby communities of Chelsea and Everett. For more information, visit the State’s website.
Public Health Tip: Case counts are higher than ever, please keep up COVID safety protocols
In December, Somerville had at least 1,135 new COVID-19 cases. That’s more cases than the three previous months combined, and that number may rise as end of the month tests are reported. As we move into our tenth month of dealing with this pandemic, it is vital that we all continue doing our part to stop the spread. That includes wearing a face covering that covers your noses and mouths whenever you’re in public, not gathering with anyone you don’t live with, and staying home if you feel ill or have been exposed as a close contact to someone who tested positive for COVID-19. Taking these steps helps protect you; your family, friends, and neighbors; essential workers; and those who are more vulnerable to COVID-19.
Assistance Tip: Online entertainment for kids
The Somerville Public Library did a round up of the many youth materials you can access virtually with a library card, including ebooks, audiobooks, streaming videos, and virtual events.
Reopening Phase Status
Somerville to Remain in Modified Phase 2, Step 2 of reopenings until further notice (this rollback included closures of gyms, fitness centers and additional restrictions on other businesses and activities).
- Fiscal year 2021 property tax assessment information online now
- Charter Review Committee application period extended to 1/19 (This opportunity may sound technical or even dull, but it’s actually a powerful thing to be involved in thinking through the shape and democratic structures of our City government. We are seeking a broad array of perspectives and membership to ensure this process reflects the great diversity within our community. So please take a look and consider applying.)
- Opioid misuse and abuse – family and friends support group, 1/12
- Inclusionary housing virtual office hours, 1/14
- Martin Luther King Day Holiday, Monday, 1/20 (watch for details on virtual MLK day events; all City offices closed, trash delayed one day for the full week)
- Somerville Public Library online events (crafting with curbside pickup of craft materials, ESL, Citizenship tutoring, storytime, and more)
Current State Vaccine Rollout Schedule
As noted, this is subject to change. For example, the CDC announced this week it may get vaccines to pharmacies for high risk groups sooner than expected. So we will keep you posted on who, when, and how to get vaccinated. For now, here’s the State plan:
COVID-19 vaccines will be available based on a phased schedule established by the State. Phase 1 is underway. The current distribution plan is listed below, in order of priority.
- Phase 1: December 2020 – February 2021
- Clinical and non-clinical health care workers doing direct and COVID-facing care
- Long-term care facilities, rest homes, and assisted living facilities
- Police, fire, and emergency medical services
- Congregate care settings (including corrections and shelters)
- Home-based health care workers
- Health care workers doing non-COVID-facing care
- Phase 2: February – April 2021
- Individuals with 2+ comorbidities and/or age 75+ (high risk for COVID-19 complications)
- Early education, K-12, transit, grocery, utility, food and agriculture, sanitation, public works and public health workers
- Adults 65+
- Individuals with one comorbidity
- Phase 3: April – June 2021
- General public
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