Our View of the Times – January 6

On January 6, 2021, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

What a relief to have 2020 behind us, right? Well…

To a certain extent, we can certainly breathe a collective sigh of relief. But to be realistic, our problems are far from being totally behind us.

Without meaning to be a wet blanket, we must also acknowledge that there are many challenges and issues held over from last year that must be met with resolve and smart behavior.

The coronavirus pandemic could potentially wind down and come to an end, provided that everyone keeps practicing the recommended guidance and gets onboard with vaccination as soon as possible, and that the vaccine gets distributed effectively.

The excruciatingly slow rollout of the vaccine seems to be salting the wound, but it should be improving over the months to come.

So, let us be optimistic as we look forward to better days ahead. The time can come when schools, businesses and public spaces are opened once again to free unfettered activity.

Those who have been put out of work can once again stand on their own two feet and provide for themselves and their families.

Children who once played in parks and schoolyards can finally run free, laugh, and experience what the world has to offer them in a future free from fear.

All of this can happen … if we are smart. We have to keep masking, remain socially distant, and get those vaccinations when they are at last made available to all of us.

Just as they say a person’s age is just a number, so it is from one year to the next. 2021 can be better, but we’re not there yet.


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