Our poet this week is Adrian Shaw. Adrian writes us from England: Adrian’s poetic enquiries have been recently collated into a collection of two volumes, and the final one of this trilogy is, at present, unfolding.
Your Heart is Aligned

Adrian Shaw
What you have been told you were is no longer relevant, for your eyes have opened and your wings are stretching beyond bound.
Your innocence constrained by birth, the discord and directive voice scatters into the winds of their own limitations, no more can your own voice remain silent.
No more do you conform. No more will you not recognize the pervasive game. No more will you sit in the shadow of another. And no more will you not know your own divinity!
It is a time of great rebirth, a recognizing of truth and the emerging of understanding: that element of knowing you brought with you at the point of conception.
You are pure light, it is now time for it to shine!
— Adrian Shaw
To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143
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