Letter to the Editor

On February 10, 2010, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff
Act of Kindness

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries of The Somerville News belong solely to the authors of those commentaries and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville News, its staff or publishers.)

On Saturday, January 30th, after driving over 2 hrs. from Southwestern New Hampshire, my husband and I arrived at Redbones in Somerville to celebrate his birthday.

Never having been to Redbones before it was an adventure for us when we walked into the restaurant to find it very full and family style seating. With just a party of 2, we did not have to wait and were seated with a family of 4.

My husband and I enjoy visiting and it was not long before we were having a great conversation with the family next to us. Along with the parents were their 2 yr. old son (who sweetly said Happy Birthday to my husband) and their 3 mo. old son. Their recommendations from the menu were helpful and we enjoyed a wonderful time and a great meal. Because they were there before us they finished their dinner and we said our good byes.

It was not until we were leaving that our waitress (who was also their waitress) and really wonderful, I might add, came to our table with the bill and said there was a note inside with our bill. Upon reading the note my husband and I looked at each other with absolute surprise (and a few tears), the family of 4 who had been next to us left cash with our waitress to put toward our bill. Little did they know that the amount they left in fact paid for our entire bill. Hard to describe how one feels when someone's generosity fills your heart that way.

Sadly, we will not have the opportunity to thank them in person for their incredible kindness. We never exchanged names, but we know that they lived close to the restaurant and near the restaurant owner. So we write this letter in hopes that if they are not able to see it, that someone may recognize who we are talking about and let them know how much we appreciated what they did. Our conversation on the ride home was filled with much talk of the generosity of their spirit.

In our effort "to pay it forward" we continued their kindness by making sure our waitress knew how grateful we were for her service.

Thank you,

Wayne and Patty Hatch

Alstead, NH 03602


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