Joshua Corwin, a Los Angeles native, is a neurodiverse, two Pushcart Prize, one Best of the Net nominated poet and Spillwords Press Publication of the Month winner. His collection Becoming Vulnerable (2020) details his experience with autism, addiction, sobriety and spirituality. Corwin has forthcoming collaborative poetry projects with Ellyn Maybe and David Dephy. He hosts the poetry podcast Assiduous Dust, writes for Oddball Magazine and teaches poetry at The Miracle Project, an autism nonprofit. www.joshuacorwin.com.

Joshua Corwin
This is why I need you
More than ever.
This is why the wind
Blows back my hair.
This is why the sunset
Forgets its name…
They call me ocean
Wanderer… shadows.
But I remember your call
From crystal peaks—
And I remember when
The wind sang
Under mistletoe-
I remember when Earth
Stood still.
The sound of your voice,
An angel’s fall:
I became a guardian
Unbeknownst to me.
I surrendered serenity,
Awakening drama
I rose from my armchair
Into solar streets.
— Joshua Corwin Copyright 2020
To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143
Wonderful piece Joshua
Like so much this past year, the words bring me loving memories of my late husband. Happily, our marriage was of these words telling a wonderful story until the cancer.
Thank you, Paul and Alma. Alma, that my words moved you means mountains to me; mountains which call me home, a place of peace, where your husband resides and remembers with you. Sending you peace, love, solace and serenity!