Newstalk for February 10

On February 10, 2010, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Huge crowd Monday night at the Capuano School for the citywide Democratic caucus, along with a lot of confusion. Many candidates for local and statewide offices were also on hand and the Chairperson of the city committee gave them the opportunity to speak. It would have been nice to have the business of the caucus done with and voting done and out of the way first. There used to be a rule that doors are closed at the local caucus at the time stated and time – which on Monday night was 6:30 pm. Once doors are closed no one is allowed into the caucus. For many years there was a long-standing rule to that effect. On Monday night, the doors were not closed and locked after 6:30 pm – and many people came and went throughout the process. Guess the powers that be have just stricken that rule, so now anyone can come anytime to vote at caucuses, which is great. So in the future, when the local caucuses meet and they try and say the doors are shut and locked after the stated time, we can remind them of Monday February 8th. A rule is a rule, but again if they changed that rule, you'd think people would have been notified in advance?


Local Attorney F. Privitera arrested Monday for a probation violation and had to sit in the Somerville Police jail all night, for a court appearance Tuesday. We also hear he might be involved in another case on another matter involving his former son in law, who we heard FP had arrested – and the charges appear to have been made up. You think he will be busy in court these next few weeks – hope he has a good lawyer!


Very sad to hear that Somerville's own Jim Campano lost his wife Kathy last week and his brother the week before. Our condolences to Jimmy, he's had a rough couple of months, he also has lost substantial weight recently. Jim is the host of the West Ender local TV show – he's worked very hard to keep everyone aware of the former West End in Boston, which now we hear Mayor Menino has set aside some land for a museum in memory of the old neighborhood.


Here's one for the books if true – we just heard this. But it appears that one local charity that serves the local community here recently voted the top staff a huge pay raise and other benefits. We also hear that they have to put some of their property up for sale to raise some funds. Our question is, if you're a non-profit and you are to serve the community or a part of that community, why are you voting pay raises now when money is tight with the whole community? Maybe that's an angle for a story.


Times are tough – the economy is probably the worst it has been in decades, and the private sector is hurting – businesses are either closing down or moving out, they just can't take any more taxes put on them. Our legislators that represent us need to realize that the private sector is where the jobs are, and are the basic for our economy. How much more money are they going to tax us or fee us to death? There are a lot of people out there upset and the undercurrent of people who are sick of higher taxes and fees are planning on making their voices heard. Two recent property owners in Davis Square recently received tax bills with more than $300.00 to $500.00 per quarter increases. Lets hope some challengers come out and give some of our elected officials a run for their offices. Remember these people are to represent YOU the citizen not their interests. The old saying used by radicals back in the 60's and 70's was "challenge authority," and ask questions. Contact us here at The Somerville News or blog on our website/weblog – where you can anonymously and let us hear from you. If you call your state legislators and they don't respond to you, also let us know and we will find out for you why not. Elected officials should be there for everyone, not just private interest groups – or just vote them out of office in the fall. Whether you voted for Scott Brown or not, one thing is clear – the so-called silent majority has awakened, you don't have to like the results of that election to know that people are now more aware of their power in the voting booth.


Two nice guys running for State Senator (filling Galluccio's vacant seat) recently let us know they are running. Mike Albano, who resides in Chelsea (a part of the district) is very involved over on the Chelsea Planning Board, is a private business owner and according to his press release, a "progressive" some of us remember Mike from his days when his father was the State Senator here in Somerville. Mike grew up on politics here in Somerville and he is from East Somerville. Mike is a nice guy, smart, and we wish him luck.


Another candidate who made it known he was running for the seat is Sal DiDomenico, currently an Everett City Councilor and Sen. Galluccio's former Chief of Staff. Sal worked hard under Galluccio and is very popular over in Everett as well. He has a large following and we also like Sal, we wish him the best in the race for the vacant seat. Both of these candidates are in a field of about six others from Cambridge and Charlestown. The district is laid out very strangely – it encompasses all of Everett and Chelsea and only parts of Boston, Cambridge, Somerville, Revere and Saugus.



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