Here is the COVID-19 update for Monday, October 26. Please also check somervillema.gov/covid19 for information and resources that are updated frequently.
Latest news:
- Case Counts: As of October 25, a total of 1,417 Somerville residents have tested positive for COVID-19 since March, another 109 are considered probable positive cases (some current, some in the past), 1,332 have since recovered, and sadly there have been 44 deaths. See more Somerville case data on the City’s COVID-19 Dashboard.
- Mental Health and Wellness Covid-19 Town Hall, Wednesday, Oct. 28, 6 p.m.: As part of a series of virtual ResiStat meetings being held this fall, join the Mayor, City Councilors, and staff for a meeting geared toward mental health and wellness during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We’ll also take your questions. You can either call in, join on Zoom, or watch on City TV. Details at somervillema.gov/virtualtownhall. Spanish interpretation and English captioning will be available. To request Portuguese, Haitian Kreyol, and Nepali interpretation, email sbernt@somervillema.gov.
- Schools Reopening Town Hall, Thursday, Oct. 29, 6 p.m.: The Somerville Public Schools and the City of Somerville will be jointly hosting a second online Schools Reopening Town Hall on local efforts related to the 2020/2021 school year amid the pandemic, including updates on building ventilation and COVID-19 testing plans. Spanish, Portuguese, and Haitian Creole interpretation will be available. More information on the meeting, including how to join, is HERE.
- Early voting ends Friday: Early voting for the November 3 election ends this Friday, October 30. All early voting takes place at City Hall, 93 Highland Ave., and you can find a list of early voting hours HERE. By taking advantage of early voting, anyone wishing to vote in-person can help spread out crowds, which will help with social distancing.
- Information on utility shutoffs: There are several circumstances under which your utilities cannot be shut off without permission of the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities, even if you owe money to your utility company. For example, shutoffs are prohibited without DPU permission between November 15 and March 15, and if the utility service is necessary to heat your home. If you are having trouble paying your utility bills, you may be eligible for fuel assistance. You can also contact your utility company to try and set up a payment plan.
- Free COVID-19 testing: CHA Somerville Hospital offers free testing at Assembly Row. To make an appointment, call 617-665-2928 (Mon-Fri, 8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m.). The mobile COVID-19 testing unit also offers testing in our neighborhoods to make access easier for residents. Mobile testing schedules and more information on both can be found under the “Symptoms, Testing, & Medical Info” tab on somervillema.gov/covid19.
- Join us for a safe Howl-o-ween: This Halloween (Sat., Oct. 31) we invite all residents to join us in celebrating Howl-o-ween. Put on a face covering at 6:30 p.m. and give us your best Halloween growls, ghost boos, and woops (or to just politely holler out your COVID-19 woes and frustrations) from your door or window. Closer to Halloween, the Somerville Arts Council will also be sharing a map of Halloween decorations if you’d like to plan your own spooky stroll, as well as a list of virtual Halloween happenings.
Public Health Tip: Indoor gatherings can lead to increased COVID-19 transmission
Because COVID-19 can be transmitted through airborne particles – called aerosols – that linger in the air, we want to remind residents to exercise extra caution around indoor gatherings as the weather gets colder. Because aerosols can stay in the air for minutes or even hours, social distancing alone isn’t enough to protect people indoors. Good ventilation and wearing face coverings can help decrease transmission, but the safest thing to do is avoid indoor gatherings with anyone you don’t live with.
Assistance Tip: $15 SNAP and P-EBT match available at Somerville’s farmers’ markets
Shoppers can swipe their SNAP or P-EBT cards for any amount at the market manager’s tent as they enter the farmers’ market to receive a dollar-for-dollar match, up to $15 per week, at the Union Square Farmers’ Market, the Davis Square Farmers’ Market, or the Somerville Winter Farmers’ Market. Shoppers will receive the additional benefits as market tokens, not transferable between the three markets, which can be used to purchase SNAP eligible products like fruits and vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, honey, jam, breads, seeds and plants.
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