Reza Tokaloo is a poet, writer – and recent transplant from Somerville to Brattleboro, Vermont – and digital-electronic music composer and performer. Tokaloo has published poetry and fiction in print and online in the Somerville area since 2009, and in southern Massachusetts since the early–late 1990’s. He has also returned to creating and composing his own brand of electronic music blending his love of poetry, fiction and philosophy under the name Mesh Ensemble Muzik (located on Soundcloud).
From Brow to Crown (8/18/20)

Reza Tokaloo
Burning Ice,
Cascading down,
Cutting thrice,
From brow to crown,
Azure spice,
In tea cups drown,
Cutting thrice,
From brow to crown,
Gold Bending Green (8/18/20)
Gold Bending green palms,
Silent summer chant,
Whisper discordant,
Leaves hissing their alms.
— Reza Tokaloo
To have your work considered for the Lyrical send it to:
Doug Holder, 25 School St.; Somerville, MA 02143
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