Living independently is important to “Stella,” but at age 78 she had growing concerns about making it work. Her eyesight was failing, making it difficult to read mail and pay bills.
Alone in her Somerville apartment, she needed help – and found it through the Money Management program at Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES).
Money Management matched Stella with a volunteer, who visited monthly to review the mail and ensure bills were paid. They also helped Stella receive bank statements through the mail and resolve a billing issue with her phone company.
The monthly visits have gone on hiatus since the Coronavirus pandemic began, but Money Management is still working with Stella, helping her set up auto-deductions for rent payments and with writing the monthly phone bill check.
The impact of this assistance goes far beyond just keeping Stella’s accounts in order, explained Money Management Bill Payer Manager RachelMarta Greenberg.
“It’s important to Stella that her bills are paid on time, and the uncertainty before caused her a lot of stress,” she said. “She really appreciates having someone she can depend on each month.”
The SCES Money Management program is a lifeline for low-income older adults in our community who need assistance managing their finances due to failing eyesight, dementia, or physical disability.
Program volunteers help with vital tasks such as bill paying, budgeting, and bank errands, and often make all the difference for older adults who might otherwise be facing eviction, financial exploitation, or loss of independence.
SCES is dedicated to helping older adults maintain independence and dignity, and Money Management is often a key piece of that puzzle. But we rely on community support to ensure Money Management remains available. By making a tax-deductible gift to Money Management, you can provide support where it is needed most, helping neighbors like Stella maintain independence, in their own homes.
To support the Money Management program at Somerville-Cambridge Elder Services (SCES), visit the Donate page at SCES is a non-profit agency that supports the independence and well-being of older people in Somerville and Cambridge. Contact our Aging Information Center at 617-628-2601 or for free advice and guidance.
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