FAB Balloon Factory to create flagship location in Somerville
Art, culture, and sciences will soon collide within the confines of the former Powderhouse School in Somerville’s Teele Square. This year, the flagship space will open as an artists’ collective that plans to create a new normal for the community.
Brewing its finest IPAs and an expansive selection of beers and distilled spirits, with 25-foot ceilings and a giant art gallery, FAB has big plans for the future of Somerville.
“We believe that art at this time is meant to bring joy to the world. I believe that society relies on people who are creative, and the function of all of us now is to bring joy to life.” says Ben Holmes, founder of FAB Balloon Factory; previously a researcher and NASA and MIT, and co-creator and CEO of Somerville’s first ever brewery, Aeronaut.
Known for their tasty IPAs, the FAB will use the Balloon Factory a s a space for prototyping and testing new recipes, expanding on their love of chemistry, artistic creation and brewing to distilling as well, while creating welcoming spaces that are open to the community, to artists and to anyone else looking to connect and meet in a post-Covid-19 world (safely, of course).
FAB Balloon Factory is designing an expansive hub for coworking, collecting and connecting, with ventilation portals and movable walls designed to seamlessly crease the new age between outdoor and indoor space. FAB stands for food, art, beer. Which is only the half of it.
By day, the space will serve as a new home of connection for anyone looking to safely feel like we’re back to normal ways, meaning you can come and enjoy the pleasure of art, beer, spirits and meeting new people [under the guise of safely precautions at the door].
By night, a rendering of the non-profit or event of the moment, with the same safety provisions in place. The team promises that you will walk away having seen immersive artistic experiences and non-profit opportunities within your community, as well as tasting some fine brews or distilled spirits you couldn’t find elsewhere.
Moreover, the FAB team wants to engage with their community at the outset by providing retail investment opportunities for anyone who would like to vote with their dollars that this new space will be a cultural hub for the community, with revenue share notes off the sales of beer, spirits and live events.
More important than financial semantics, Somerville desperately deserves a space like this. Where we can almost feel normal again while living in a new normal, enjoying emerging art installations and experimental brews that boast national acclaim.
This new flagship to the Somerville area is incredibly exciting and we are pleased to exclusively share this information with you in hopes that you will spread the word. If you would like to chat with the innovative founder or the MainVest team, please don’t hesitate to reach out via pr@mainvest.com or 858-209-4188.
Learn more about FAB The Balloon Factory at https://mainvest.com/b/fab-balloon-factory-somerville.
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