Our View of the Times – August 26

On August 26, 2020, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

For some of us it feels like forever since we’ve shaken off the cares and concerns that seem to be bearing down so heavily on us.

Not just the strain and worry over the coronavirus pandemic and its effects on the economy and our personal lives, but there are also the political divisions and discord that have been so prevalent in our society over the past few years.

Amidst all this, we are now tasked with making decisions at the polls next week that will affect all of us yet again.

The State Primary is just around the corner, and the national election is coming up a couple of months later. The balance of power in the country as a whole will be in play, and more than ever it seems as though so much will be at stake in that particular election cycle, no matter which side we align with.

If you’re opting to vote early for the Primary, there is still time to do so until Friday, August 28 at City Hall. Applications for the September 1 primary election ballot must be returned to the City of Somerville Elections Department by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, August 26. You can go to https://www.somervillema.gov/departments/elections/early-voting for more details about these voting options.

For those who will be going to the polls in person on September 1, we thank you for doing your civic duty. And remember to practice proper COVID-19 safety measures while doing so. Wear your mask and be sure to observe proper distancing guidelines. Our political system needs your vote, but your health and safety are needed even more so.


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